As down as I have been - and, you'll soon see, will continue to be - on Rob Zombie's remaking Halloween, I have to admit he's been extremely giving with access to photo stills and set-visits and keeping the fans up to date on what's going on with the picture. So that's a positive thing I have said now. There are five new stills up at Bloody Disgusting today to peruse, of which I've chosen this one -
- to fling my poo at like an irate zoo monkey. Just ugh. I hate that we're getting Michael Myers' backstory, I hate that I now know, at least within the realm of this remake's take on the story, that he liked the band KISS, I hate that kid's floppy blonde hair, I hate that sad pumpkin stabbed in the face picture on the fridge. Hate hate hate hate.
Okay, better now. What I really hate is being turned into this person; the one who yells that you, Mr. Director Man, who's doing all the hard work, are mucking things up and not keeping the spirit of the classic material intact and yadda yadda I sit on a computer and bitch. I had a brief moment weeks ago where I'd begun to give Zombie the benefit of the doubt - I think it was when the first images of adult be-masked Myers came out and he looked right - but then I saw the trailer and goddamn I hate the trailer, all hyper-edited and artfully grungy. Urgh. Make this national nightmare end.
I've been into the remake so far, but only because Rob Zombie's directing. But I'm right there with you on this picture. Why why why why why do we need backstory? Doesn't anyone realize that the strange, ihumane quality of Michael Myers is what made Halloween so damn scary? I'm worried this is going to be like the recent Black Christmas and Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes--too much backstory just makes these things cruel, stupid action movies. They don't have anything to say.
Don't get me wrong - I really really dug The Devil's Rejects, so I was, initially, okay with the choice of Zombie to direct. But then I was underwhelmed by his Grindhouse trailer and I saw the trailer and read that AICN review of the script that laid out all the backstory crammed into the script, and now I just have very little hope. I'll still see it, and I HOPE Zombie suprises me, but yeah, all I smell is the Black Christmas remake here, which was also directed by a capable director.
Love the Dumplings banner. Yum, crunchy
I'm so tired of directors raping my childhood with bad remakes and re-envisionings.
"Re-envisioning" and "re-imagining" are words that need to carry a life sentence in prison from here on out when used by the director or writer or producer of these wastes of money.
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