Tomorrow's a red-letter day in DVD releases - two of the very best films of 2006 will both be out in the stores and I, for one, cannot wait to swoop into Circuit City (cheap! immediate!) tomorrow night after work and snap up copies and giddily swoon over their cases once within my greedy paws. They be -
The Fountain by Darren Aronofsky, which I reviewed here.
Pan's Labyrinth by Guillermo del Toro, which I spoke of here.
If you missed either of them in the theaters then you really missed out on two "movies you need to see on a big screen" experiences, but you still should rent them and see what you've missed. Cuz I say so!
As much as I liked 'The Lives of Others' (and the beautiful Sebastian Kock-sp?), Pan's Labyrinth was the best foreign language film of last year without question. I LOVED Maribel Verdu-my #1 supporting actress of 2006.
I still haven't seen TLoO, but I really doubt it'll top PL for me. PL was so right up my alley; I've got a total fetish for Alice in Wonderland stories, and you add some of the scariest scenes of fantastical and realistic horror to that and I'm in heaven. And I thought Verdu, Lopez and Baquero all gave absolutely wonderful performances. If Veronica Mars weren't on TV tomorrow night I'd totally watch PL as soon as I got home; as is I'll probably just fast-forward through and watch some favorite pieces.
The Lives of Others really is a good should see it. The end is what ruins it for me.
Well I missed it in theaters so now I'm just waiting for the DVD. I do wanna see it, especially because Ulrich Mahe was the father in the original Funny Games, which makes him heroic to me.
Oh...he's great. If you see it for him you will be blown away. Martine Gedrick and Sebastian Koch are great too
The Lives of Others was very good, indeed. I was glad it won the Oscar tbh.
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