Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hi, Y'all.

A hearty welcome to those of you stumbling into My...Pants for the first time via The Advocate. What's that? I'm in The Advocate? Holy shit, it's true. They don't have it up on their website (yet?), but if you pick it up at your local newsstand or get it delivered to your home via this thing called a prescription pills pills pills subscription, then there I will be, smiling out at you from page 17. Crazy!

It's the issue with John Travolta shudder and Queen Latifah on the cover promoting that Hairspray thing grumble, which couldn't possibly be further from my beat... unless there's a new scene in the movie where they napalm The Corny Collins Dance Show at the end and the final image is the frame fading to black on Travolta's melting visage, wig aflame. And yes, a wish is a dream your heart makes. Ahem. It is the Summer Movie Issue though, which in general is my beat. Movies! We love 'em here! Whoop whoop and what not.

Where was I? Ah yes, welcoming my Advocate-reading new friends. Welcome! We're small and unassuming here in My...Pants (maybe I should rethink that sentence?), but, er, we get the job done! "The job" being... um... stalking Jake Gyllenhaal (like so many fallen gays before me) and liking horror movies more than is healthy and, uh, other totally awesome stuff. Fun, see? Hopefully some of y'all will like what you see (yes, here in My...Pants, though I need to drop that stale bit o' humor) and stick around. I love you already, you know. Don't leave me.

And to my regulars, I love you the mostest, no I have no idea why they picked me, and here's the incredibly small thing which I've just spent far too many words talking about:

(click it, it gets bigger)


qta said...

congrats JA! you know I worship you and everything you have in your... pants. you totally deserve the press.... or was that the vice?

Unknown said...

I'm so damn happy for you! I can't wait to actually read this in the Advocate itself. It couldn't have happened to a nicer blogger. May all the rest who didn't get in bite their knuckle's in rage. Here's to quitting that day job and making oddles of money Mister Blogger Man.

Joe R. said...

That's so awesome! Congratulations!

However: ain't no shame in thinking JT's a hottie, dude.

Jason Adams said...

qta - Most certainly the vice (is that what the kids are saying these days?). The world needs me! ;-)

bkc - It's gonna be a good long while before I'm supporting myself any way but the usual daily grovelling for scraps I do now. But... I have my health! (cue coughing jag)

Joe - I will never rid myself of that shame, never! It's what keeps me humble.

In related news, in the actual magazine that scan I took is on the right hand of the page, and the left hand side are the obituaries (appropriate, I thought) and somehow my rambling justified more space than Kurt Vonnegut's death. If that's not the definition of disquieting, I dunno what is.

Glenn Dunks said...

So what are you going to be writing? Or was that a one-off thing?

Don't steer the queers wrong! :P

Jason Adams said...

Was a one-off, kc. They do one of these columns every issue, focusing on another gay-as-the-hills blogger. So I'll just be steering the queers from this small steering-station for now. ;-)

Anonymous said...

You shall lead the homos out of the darkness and to a new day of openess about gore obsessions.

" We're here, were covered in the entrails , etc."

Anonymous said...

Congrats JA!!......keep up the amusing work....

Anonymous said...

awesome dude... hopefully we'll meet some day...

J.D. said...

Congrats. I have to say to appear nice. :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jason! See you soon. Summer

SamuraiFrog said...

Good on you, JA. I'm not incredibly jealous. Much.

Unknown said...

Well if it's any consolation (three whole days later), yours is the only blog the Advocate's directed me to that I make a point of return visiting. See, it really isn't how big things are in Your...Pants, but how well you wield 'em.

Jason Adams said...

I won't hear of jealousy! It hurts my heart.

And Evan, that's well said indeed. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Well deserved, My Pants, and cute pic!! Now how about some more Hanneke blogging??!!

Jason Adams said...

Thanks, lightning, and I've been feeling the Haneke drought myself. I went on that binge last year and saw everything he'd done and now I'm in this holding pattern waiting for the Funny Games remake... maybe I should rewatch them...

Anonymous said...

congrats....I think I found you through The Film Experience and I've never left.

Marius said...

That's awesome, ja. I'm so happy for you. Keep posting those Jake pics because we sure do love 'em. And we love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Nice pic, dude. You look Hott!!