Monday, April 23, 2007

What I Learned This Weekend


Forest Whitaker did not deserve his Oscar, or the endless string of acclaim he received, for The Last King of Scotland. I was considerably un-wowed by his performance, and the movie itself. Scream, sweat, scowl, smile, and repeat. Boring.

Hugh Jackman, Clive Owen, and Ryan Gosling were all better last year.


J.D. said...

I agree with you, a little. I thought he was great, but not even the best in the film, let alone the year. James McAvoy impressed the hell out of me, and Forest did scare me alot, and there was a lot of good in his perf, I don't know, I just didn't love it. No nomination. James, on the other hand, is in. Yay!

Jason Adams said...

I liked McAvoy, but I wasn't floored by him. Whitaker didn't even scare me, playing one of the foremost butchers of our time! But my main problem with the film, which effected my take on both actors performances, was the script, and the editing... just blah. Boring, and trite, and cliche at every turn. I had to force myself to sit through the whole thing. It wasn't godawful or the worst movie ever made or anything, just... blah.

Glenn Dunks said...


I've waited so long for one of my fellow bloggers to be as unpleased as I was. I hated it more than you (I gave it something like a D or a D+?) but it's good to know I'm not alone.

Whitaker was good but he won't be making my top 5. McAvoy didn't even register with me, quite frankly.

And, yeah, the editing is dreadful and the script is just so monotonous.

The entire second half of the movie was some of the worst filmmaking I saw all last year. Just non-stop camera tricks and ridiculous Hollywood thriller tactics and constant screaming and yelling and crying and screaming and screaming and yelling and screaming and yelling and yelling and crying and crying and screaming and... well, you get the point (surely).