Whether it's that totally endearing look on his face in that picture, or his coming off as sorta deeply wounded regarding his recent experiences, I'm feeling the need to go grab Joss Whedon by the shoulders and protect him from the mean world right now after reading this terrific interview with him over at Wizard. Sayeth Joss when asked about whether he'd want to do TV again:
JOSS: I love TV, I absolutely want to go back to TV. You know, if I have a series I believe in and I have the people to make it and a place to put it, yes. I adore television but a lot of things have to come together and while I have these other obligations, I can’t really pursue those things. I also just don’t want to get trampled on. So I’m a little skittish…
WIZARD: What do you mean, “trampled on”?
JOSS: “Trampled on” as in having someone cancelling out from under you two things in one year. When a story doesn’t get finished being told, or you’re the victim of wrong-headed business decisions that nobody even seems to be losing sleep over, you really don’t want to walk in that world anymore. So, I’m not interested in telling stories that nobody is going to see. I don’t feel like making a pilot and seeing if it goes. I feel like if I make something, it has to have a venue. Whether that is a low-budget movie, a DVD or TV with commitment to DVD, whatever it is, I can’t tell the stories nobody hears anymore. I’ve done that in my life."
I hear ya, Joss. I've been feeling beaten down just because I like shows and movies that the majority of the world tends to ignore; I can't imagine being the creative force behind such things. He should take comfort that his current company in the underappreciated dog-house is Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, though! But anyway, Joss sounds down. When asked about the rumor out there that he could maybe direct a 4th X-Men movie, he says:
"I haven’t heard the rumor, but there is no rumor that is not swirling. I don’t even know, are they even going to have an “X4”? I had been talking with [Marvel Studios] about “X3,” but the dates didn’t line up. So I took on “Wonder Woman,” and that worked out great! Oh, no wait, I remember now, not so much."
Damn Joss - somebody needs a hug. At least he's working on and probably going to be able to make his next project, called Goners, which he mentions briefly in this interview. He also, thankfully, lightens up at the end, when - sort of randomly, but what do I care; two geeky things I adore meeting! - he's asked who he finds to be the hottest chick on Battlestar Galactica:
"Ouch! The hottest? I don’t even think I could… whoever is on screen is my answer. Starbuck [Katee Sackhoff] is so fascinating, Sharon [Grace Park] is so beautiful and tortured, but I think I’m going to have to give it up for President Roslin [Mary McDonnell]. She holds the screen with the iron grip. I find her absolutely fascinating."
Oh Joss. It's obviously Roslin all the way!
i love president roslin too!
I should hope so! ;-)
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