Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I Am Link

--- Will it ever be time for second breakfast? More rumblings on Sam Raimi donning the director's cap for The Hobbit, this time from Raimi himself (at EW) - he says he'd love to do it but only with Peter Jackson's permission. Riiiiiiight.

I just kinda wish Raimi would do a low-budget serious movie next, something like (the seriously wonderful) A Simple Plan, or maybe even, dare I dream, a horror film (ETA BD has "word" that Raimi plans to make my dreams come true! Vague "word", but "word" nonetheless).

--- Viva Cheap Thrills: EW critic Owen Gleiberman on how today's Hollywood owes a massive debt to the world of 70's grindhouse cinema. I LOVE that a picture of Sly Stallone in the masterpiece Cobra is attached to the story.

--- Dream Team: Clive Owen and director Tom Tykwer are apparently gonna make a movie together. Something about banking conspiracies and INTERPOL, yadda yadda, I'm not sure why it strikes me as such a fantastic pairing - maybe just the fact that I love them both - but it does.

--- RIP James Lyons, the editor for [Safe], Far From Heaven, The Virgin Suicides, and many other great films. He was just 46 years old.

--- Oh my goodness - somebody's made a bunch of movie-themed dolls, including Tippi Hedren in The Birds, the Wicked Witch of the West, and Janet Leigh in Psycho (at right)... check them out here.

Major weirdness (though, sure, I'd probably love one of the Hitchcock ones).


Anonymous said...

Three Jake banners in a row qualifies as creepy

Jason Adams said...

Wow, it took this long to qualify as creepy? I'm not doing my job right then.

Anonymous said...

A few months back I seriously considered getting my girlfriend one of those Hitchcock dolls. The best part is how they're just a couple in a line of perfectly innocuous movie tie-ins.

Anonymous said...

If my niece was still doll playing age I would completely try to warp her with some Hitchcock victims.