Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Harvey Weinstein is a Dick, Part II

I have a feeling I'll be posting more about Grindhouse as the day fans itself out, cuz I gots some things to says, I does, but first off I think the most obvious point needs to be said before we get into anything else: Harvey Weinstein is a dick. Remember? And yup, still a dick. I think Quint at AICN sums up what the biggest problem was with why Grindhouse only brought in 11 million clams this past weekend:

"The concept of counter-programming always sounds attractive, but it hardly ever works. What did they expect releasing a 3 1/2 hour long R-rated gore-fest, celebrating exploitation films, on this family weekend?

People going to see movies last weekend were more than likely going as a family, taking the kids or the parents and grandparents.

If 300 had been released last weekend, it would have flopped, too."

Quint's talking about the rumor floating around, via Nikki Finke, that Grindhouse might be chopped into it's seperate films and re-released very soon as two films instead of one.

I do think there's some truth to the running time being a problem, and I definitely think there's some truth to the release date being just plain idiotic (Wolf Creek released on Christmas Day; nuff said); but mostly I just think people suck, and I'm sticking with that theory.

Box office numbers don't often matter much to me, since total dung is often floating to the top of the cinema box office bowl, but yesterday when I read Grindhouse's numbers I was dismayed, and dismayed further when I read the totals out loud and my mother - she of the Snow Dogs adoration, which pretty much in my book makes her representative of the General American Audience - she exclaimed that she sure does want to see that Ice Cube movie.


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