Friday, March 02, 2007

This Is Important!

In his review of Zodiac at AICN, Moriarty makes a point that I want everyone (cough boyfriend cough) to be aware of before going to see Zodiac this weekend, so they know what they're in for. The quote:

"I think Fincher’s after something far more interesting than just a procedural. I think instead, he’s made a film about the toll that the procedure takes on the people involved. Characters come and go. People fall out of the film for a while, and some reappear while others don’t. It’s a sad film, a film where everyone who ends up touching this case feels doomed. It’s an episodic film, and it meanders quite a bit, and ultimately, it’s going to frustrate anyone who walks in looking for SE7EN. It’s going to frustrate anyone who walks in looking for a thriller."

I haven't even seen it yet (if I had, believe me, you'd know), but from the reviews I have scanned I at least know to expect an unconventional take for this type of story, that wanders through multiple characters stories over the course of numerous years, and does not have a resolute conclusion, as it were. I am prepared. So should you be (boyfriend).

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