Monday, March 26, 2007

Quote of the Day

Every time a new Neil Cumpston review pops up at AICN, it's Quote of the Day material, so him reviewing Grindhouse should come as an obvious moment of kismet, and it does. This is only the first genius paragraph of his review:

"Remember, when George W. Bush was elected, and he said that thing about how, by 2008, we’d have “movies that would explode in our balls like a shotgun filled with handjobs”?

Well, that promise came true two days ago when I saw GRINDHOUSE in Hollywood. Except not only was it a shotgun full of handjobs exploding in my balls, but also my balls suddenly knew how to make fire using karate. All from seeing GRINDHOUSE, a movie that’s made of screaming car crash zombie boobs. "

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