Thursday, March 01, 2007

I Am Quick Link

Just a couple things of importantce to cast your wandering eyes upon...

--- Tentacled madness! There's a report up at AICN from the set of The Mist which made me go all squealy this morning as I read it. Lots of descriptions of the actual physical (well, mechanical) evil tentacles of Mist-y goodness in motion, which made me very happy - nice to see real, hands-on effects getting some play here, though there'll surely be some CG to touch it up in the end, I'd imagine. But I was really hoping they'd go old-school with this story and this gives me hope.

--- Another wonderful installment of Stale Popcorn's Cinema of the Absurd is up. This time, Glenn takes on what sounds like the terribly (dare I say it?) absurd Mandy Moore flick How to Deal, starring Moore and stud-for-hire Trent Ford. There are apparently many hateful sprinklers involved.

--- Glenn also probes the ridiculous argument made in an article at the NY Times yesterday that international audiences don't want to watch "black" movies like Barbershop because international audiences are racist, as opposed to, I don't know, not wanting to watch crap like Barbershop.

--- The poster for the now-delayed-til-Fall Danny Boyle flick Sunshine is... a bit of a snooze, right?

1 comment:

Glenn Dunks said...

Whoa, two links. Am I specia or what?!
