"We didn’t want to believe it when we first got wind of this news, but a little digging confirmed it: ROGUE, writer/director Greg McLean’s follow-up to WOLF CREEK, is being sent straight to DVD by The Weinstein Company/Dimension on May 20. Fango had heard recently that Dimension had removed the giant-crocodile thriller, which stars Radha (PITCH BLACK) Mitchell and ALIAS’ Michael Vartan (pictured), from its most recent April 20 theatrical berth; the movie played release-date chicken earlier this year with Hollywood Pictures’ similarly themed PRIMEVAL, only for the latter to be tossed out, sans any reference to its reptilian content in the ads, in early January to extreme box-office indifference. Now, with early word coming down that PRIMEVAL will hit disc in June, the Weinsteins evidently want to beat it to the punch on the home-viewing front, at least.
It’s a sad fate for McLean’s film, which won a rave from a Fango source who caught an early test screening (see those comments here). No details on DVD special features, if any, have yet been announced; we’ll keep you posted. "
They majorly effed up the release of Wolf Creek (sure Harvey - Christmas Day is the perfect time for a foreign slasher flick to debut!) and now this - can somebody wrangle that asshole's hands off of anything to do with horror, PLEASE? Never getting to see Wolf Creek on the big screen made this blogger testy, and if Rogue is even one half as good/beautiful to behold as WC was, then missing this one in the theater as well is a huge loss.
It's only 8.05 in the morning here, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be annoyed for the rest of the day.
I wonder if it will be still be released theatrically here?!
If this is true - I am not going to watch anything that the Weinstein Company put out ever again don't care how good the movie is supposed to be. They have no morals and don't know a good from a bad movie. This movie needs to be shown. It will showcase Australian scenery, the best in the world, not to mention the great actors in it.
Sorry to ruin your day, Glenn! Just remember - don't blame the messenger; blame the studio head and send him envelopes filled with mysterious white powder. And I don't mean cocaine, since he's obviously been too coked-up already to do his goddamned job respectably.
Wow, I too am bitter.
Ya gotta let me know if it gets released down there. So I can, I guess, be even bitterer.
anaonymous, I'd be down with boycotting them too, if, uh, they weren't releasing Grindhouse. Well, a branch of their company, Dimension, is... can we just boycott Weinstein Company official releases and not Dimension? Cuz Dimension releases too many good genre movies for me to be strong enough for a boycott.
I'm weak.
So, my good friend Simon says Rogue has an official release date (at last - for every release date it had in America, it had zero here. So strange) and that is August 30. Which is doable, but still frustrating.
You guys will have it on DVD before us, but we'll get to see it on the big screen. FAIR TRADE! (not really).
AND they've pushed GrindHouse back into May. Ugh. Fucking asshole wankers. HATE!!!
Oh, but at least we got Music & Lyrics on the same day as America!!!!!!!!
Oh! I just made an entry at Stale Popcorn. Go read it!
I've got some cash, and I'll pay for a hit on this piece of shit.. I mean, I'm not a violent person, but having seen the pre-release of rogue, some asshole has to pay for not letting us all see it in the comfort of a cinema.....
Lets Kill Him
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