Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Breaking News!!!

From today's NY Post:
"March 6, 2007 -- JAKE Gyllenhaal is way beyond the simple choice of boxers vs. briefs. A shopper in Bloomingdale's underwear department recently watched the "Brokeback Mountain" star with a salesman "combing through every style . . . A good 10 minutes later, Jake was still at it . . . holding up a pair of tight white briefs that he'd pulled out of the package to examine, as if he'd never seen tighty whities before in his entire life. It was hilarious. He looked very confused and had a furrowed brow . . . He was examining undies like an anthropologist in the city's most highly trafficked department store."

I thought it was pretty well-documented that Jake was a CK boxer-brief man... or at least he's been photographed showing those things off often enough. I guess he's feeling the need to spice things up... down there. Heh.

Anyway - lo, behold, a tribute to Jake showing off his underpants!

He probably doesn't want anymore instances like the Infamous VPL Incident of 2006 happening. Some ahem supportively-snug tighty-whities would do the trick.

I am totally ridiculous, by the way.

1 comment:

Jason Adams said...

I considered using that pic, a damn fine pic tis, but it supports (heh) the Jake wearing briefs theory, even if they were more accurately Underoos and it was for a role, but I was trying to show his seeming non-briefs preference.