Monday, February 19, 2007

Why Can't We Be Friends?

Here's an article about the making of Zodiac from yesterday's NY Times, in which everybody that matters - Jake Gyllenhaal and David Fincher, for those unawares - speaks. Seems Jake had a tough time under the finger of Herr Fincher:

"What’s so wonderful about movies is, you get your shot,” he said. “They even call it a shot. The stakes are high. You get your chance to prove what you can do. You get a take, 5 takes, 10 takes. Some places, 90 takes. But there is a stopping point. There’s a point at which you go, ‘That’s what we have to work with.’ But we would reshoot things. So there came a point where I would say, well, what do I do? Where’s the risk?"

Told of Mr. Gyllenhaal’s comments, Mr. Fincher half-jokingly said, “I hate earnestness in performance,” adding, “Usually by Take 17 the earnestness is gone.” But half-joking aside, he said that collaboration “has to come from a place of deep knowledge.” While he had no objections to having fun, he said, “When you go to your job, is it supposed to be fun, or are you supposed to get stuff done?”

I can't really side with either of my guys here against the other; Fincher's known to be a pain in the ass to work for, but he makes brilliant films, so he's forgiven. Jake... is Jake. So I'm just gonna have to sit the two of them down and help them make up. I have some ideas about how to do this.

Yes, they are all X-rated ideas.

--- ETA Watch some clips from Zodiac
over at iFilm (found via BD)!


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