Friday, February 09, 2007

Flash Us, Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds needs a superhero movie. Even moreso, I need Ryan Reynolds to need a superhero movie. Specifically, I need Ryan Reynolds to need superhero tights.

In an interview with Moviehole, he discusses the possibility of playing The Flash:

"Moviehole: Now that David Goyer’s left ‘The Flash’ project does that mean you’re off the project as well?

Reynolds: Um, you know I was never officially on the project so… it’s just something that most of the fanboys have felt like there’s a strong similarity between Ryan Reynolds and Wally West. So, I certainly know of Wally and have read all the comic books and I’d love to jump in there and play him. I don’t know where the direction of the Flash is going to go from here though. Shawn Levy is taking it over and they may decide that Barry Allen is the one that they want in there, an older version of the Flash, and that is something that I wouldn’t be interested in playing. But if it was Wally I would definitely be curious. "


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