Monday, February 12, 2007

BSG Renewed!

From TV Guide's Michael Ausiello:

"Thank the Gods!

The Sci Fi Channel has ordered a 13-episode fourth season of Battlestar Galactica to debut in Jan. 2008! Raise a toaster in the air and repeat after me: "Frak, yeah!"

No official confirmation from Sci Fi, but the L.A. Times says a formal announcement is expected later today."

Was its fate uncertain? I had no idea. Why would SciFi ever question bringing back the only show they have that gets any good attention? What, so they can air more repeats of Frankenfish? God, dumb executives.

Anyway, yay! If you click on that first link at the top be forewarned - Ausiello says a lil' bit more but it's spoilery, and I wish I hadn't read it.

Also, 13 episodes is a shorter season then normal, innit? Well whatever, more episodes is always cause to rejoice.

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