Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Step 1 - Cut A Hole In The Box

Okay, this one's for my Rochester homies (you knows who you is), who taught me the wonders of the SNL already-classic short titled "Dick In A Box" (watch it here, or below!), starring Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg, whilst home for my holiday vacation (yes, I am aware I jumped on this train way late)...

But anyway, it seems that over at Stereogum you can download a remix of the tune.

Yes, a remix. I haven't listened to it yet, but I anticipate mad genius. Get that shizz here.



Joe R. said...

See? If you kept up on your Low Res, you'd have had this info at your fingertips pre-Christmas!

Glenn Dunks said...

"Dick in a Box" really is hysterical.

Jason Adams said...

I know, Joe, bad me. Forgive me!!!

I'd actually heard of the song and the video, but just hadn't gotten around to watching it until my Rochester-friends sat me down and forced me to watch it. It often takes some sort of intervention to make me give comedy the time it deserves.

Glenn Dunks said...