Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Sarah Silverman Program

I know it's popular to hate on Sarah Silverman, but man she rocks my world. When I was watching Stephen Colbert last night there was a commercial for her new show on Comedy Central called, oddly enough, The Sarah Silverman Program, and it made me laugh for like five minutes straight (it's all in the delivery of the words, "I pooped"). Consider my Tivo set.

Anyhoo, Michael Musto has an interview with Miss Silverman over at the Village Voice that made me bust a gut. Choice moment (while discussing a skit in her show):

"MM: Did you love getting down with "black God"? I was supremely jealous.

SS: The only bad memory is when we did that love scene, [the actor] was in boxer shorts and I was in paper-thin sweats, and I could totally feel his balls. He's an older man and nice and dignified, and to feel his balls on me, I really understood the idea of disassociation.

MM: It didn't make you hot?

SS: No. In fact, my vagina inverted. No, that's stupid. Don't print that.

MM: Please, that's my lead. But I thought vaginas were inverted. (Not 100% sure here, of course.)

SS: They are. But even my labia majora shriveled. That's disgusting."

I love that she grosses herself out even as she says these things.

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