Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Joss Office

What's Joss Whedon's new gig?

From Film Ick:

"It was just last week that I was defending the American version of The Office in the pub - I bet that doesn't happen every day, at least not in a 'real' pub in England - and now Joss Whedon comes out and confirms he'll be directing an episode.

If you wade through the discussion on the man's message board, you might miss his brief comment: "Yes, people, it's true. I am the ideal mate.""

Well dammit, now I'm gonna have to go and watch an episode of the American version of The Office. I know, I know, my friends have all tried to coerce me into watching it... my attachment to the British version colors my opinion too strongly as of yet, though, so I haven't been able to get into it.

But even without watching the show I already have an in-the-earliest-stages-of-development crush on cute-dork John Krasinski, so... I'm getting there!

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