Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Farley Speaks

It's really turned into Hitchcock Day here in The Pants for some reason, hasn't it? Well, every day is Hitchcock Day, really, we're just living in his world now.

Anyway, here's a nice little interview with actor Farley Granger where he discusses, among other things, being in the Hitch-classics Rope and Strangers on a Train.

Granger's autobiography, Include Me Out: My Life from Goldwyn to Broadway, comes out on March 6th. Look at this laundry list of partners he talks about in the book:

"He is eloquent about his bisexuality and tells of affairs with Patricia Neal, Arthur Laurents, Shelley Winters, Leonard Bernstein and Ava Gardner and his involvement with Barbara Stanwyck, Joan Crawford, and Tyrone Power."

Damn. Guess the last one alive gets to dish all the dirt.

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