Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Da Globes

So I missed most of the Golden Globes last evening; my priorities lay with Jack Bauer and the Ballad of Stopping the Big Bad Terrorists! because I am a good American, and also can't really get myself worked up about the award shows this year since nothing I give two cents about is in the running for anything at all.

I did switch over to the hoopla during commerical breaks and after 10pm when 24 was finished for the evening (speaking of - HOLY EFFING CRAP! They just... did that!), so anyway I did get to see certain things: I got to see the first ten seconds or so of Meryl Streep's usual charm-the-pants-off-us-all-a-thon; I got to see Sacha Baron Cohen's BEST SPEECH EVER; I got to go to the toilet while Forest Whitaker embarrassed himself; I got to go to the toilet again while Warren Beatty depressed me for being so old now and not this anymore...

Ooh and most exciting of all I got to go to bed angry because International Crash won Best Drama. UGH. Don't you ever wish you could shoot lasers out of your eyes, only they were special eye-lasers because they could shoot through a TV screen and into the wires and cables all the way to the actual camera filming whatever you're seeing and zap out the other end and melt, say, Alejandro González Iñárritu's face right off? I maybe might wish that sometimes. What a wanker.

If ya want a list of all the winners, Nat's got one up.

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