Monday, December 11, 2006

Southland Set

Richard Kelly's Donnie Darko follow-up, Southland Tales, has been through the ringer and back; after being called disastrous after screening at Cannes, a Kelly-fan like me began to worry whether the film would ever see the light of day.

But worry no more! Says Kelly on his MySpace page:

"Sorry for the radio silence. I have been incredibly busy finishing Southland Tales and prepping The Box simultaneously. We are hoping to begin production in early March, 2007 in Virginia.

After almost a year of editing, we have finally locked picture on Southland Tales!

2 hrs 17 min. The final cut is 27 minutes shorter than the "work-in-progress" version that premiered at Cannes. I am very happy with this edit, as we have done a significant amount of work to solve the rubiks cube narrative. Justin Timberlake just recorded the final voice-over this past sunday. We still have some visual effects work to do... but expect a release date and a trailer soon!"

So things are hopeful. Initial reaction to Donnie Darko was mixed as well, and after re-editing that it became the flick I so adore, so maybe this has all been for the best.

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