Monday, December 04, 2006

No Hand

Apparently there's been some hullaballoo over the posters for The Hills Have Eyes 2. The MPAA apparently has the ability to ban poster art if they deem it objectionable (um, where were they with that disgusting-even-for-me Saw III lacerated gums poster?), and well, they'd rather the hillbilles of the Hills films be presented as having fully slaughtered their human prey, rather then just partially.

The first poster, just below, is the censored image (from EMB):

And the next is the image that the MPAA has allowed (from JoBlo):

Um, right on, MPAA! You are changing the world!



Glenn Dunks said...

What a joke.

Yaseen Ali said...

Exactly. The former one is definitely better - at least the victim is fighting back and attempting to prevent his/her abduction.

Either way, both are gross and make me wonder why these types of movies are being made.