Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Where Do We Go From Here...

Much thanks to ModFab for hosting a great live chat during the election last night! Had a grand ol' time.

A must-read today is AMERICABlog - with the current downpour here in NYC and the slight hangover and throat-burn I'm nursing from smoking and drinking like a sailor on shore-leave last evening, I was having a hard time first thing this morning remembering the happiness with last evening's results - but a glance through their posts reminded me and brought the smile on.

So the questions all seem to be, what happens now? Saying Americans voted for change isn't completely true - it's more like they voted for gridlock, and I am A-okay with that. Anything that dampens this President's ability to pass his deranged agenda unchecked is a huge victory. So we're not gonna see a whole lot of change, per se, except for not a lot happening in the next couple of years, is what I predict, but that's good stuff. If we do end up taking the Senate as well - golly, writing that sentence makes me giddy, and it's entirely possible still! - well, all the sweeter a slap in that bastard's face.

Watching Rick Santorum concede? Priceless.

Anyway, congrats to all the winning Dems, and to the first lady of the House, Nancy Pelosi! A good, good day to be a fair-minded liberal. Can't forget, though, that all the gay marriage bans passed except for one in Arizona, so us fair-minded liberal gays have some work ahead still. No no no, not ending on a sour (ahem Lieberman) note! Happiness! This is what winning feels like! It's been so long I'd forgotten. Good stuff.

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