Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Watch Veronica Or Die

Tonight's episode of Veronica Mars marks the last episode of the first of three story arcs this season, and by the looks of the preview, it's a spine-tingler! I cannot wait - after a bit of a bumpy start, this season's gotten just as good as the previous two, and after last week's episode blew my theory out the window, I am completely clueless as to whodunit. Just the way I like it!

All that said, I am completely infatuated with Piz, and I can't explain why. He's hardly even been on the show! But le sigh... such an endearing dork...



DL said...

I'm curious to know what your theory was. I'm boring and just thought it was the Pi Sigs all along.

And just when it seemed like VM was the only show that didn't have their very own Chandler/Xander...but I have to agree, Piz is great.

DL said...

And I just watched that preview - holy!!:O

Yeesh, why is Veronica all bloody!!? Why is she crying in the shower? Who's that hot blonde Logan's talking to??! Why does Mac look so scared!!

More importantly, why do I get so emotionally invested in these TV shows?

Jason Adams said...

I was keeping from saying anything specific about the mystery in the main post cuz I know a couple people from outside the country who were angry last time I posted specifics about the show, since it doesn't air til later in other places...

ANYWAY, I thought the rapist was gonna be that newspaper editor chick, the one who did fake the one rape, but since they've admitted to that I'm assuming they're not behind all of them. I figured it was gonna be the "feminazis" setting up the frat guys for the fall. But the show addressed that and I'm guessing has now moved on, so... not a clue. The lack of bodily fluids still points to a woman being the rapist, maybe, though. I don't know.

Jason Adams said...

It's SUCh a good preview. makes my hairs stand on end. CANNOT wait. Eeek! Just 3.5 hours!!! I don't know the answers to any of your questions, except the last, and that's cuz it's worthy! Worthy of our insanity.

Yaseen Ali said...

I can't wait for the episode tonight either, but I hated that preview. "Right Here, Right Now" always reminds me of the brilliant "Virgin Suicides" trailer and should not be used elsewhere for any other purpose!

DL said...

Omygod! That's what that's from!!