Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I Am - BOO! - Link

--- Brad Pitt standing in his boxer shorts in the rain for minutes on end. I don't have anything else I could say about that. (video at VF)

--- I'll be seeing Evil Dead: The Musical next week and reviewing it for The Horror Blog; EW has got an interview with the creator of the stage show up today.

--- A run-down of the status of all the Chuck Palahniuk books to be turned into movies - where they stand, if they're getting made, so forth - is up at DH. Susan Sarandon's gonna be the mother in Choke? Hmm.

--- Some lucky stud got to go and hang out with Eli Roth on the set of Hostel: Part 2 at AICN and, in celebration of today's dark festivities, has posted about his set visit. Blood and boobs, everything you'd expect.

--- Um, you have gone and read all of the 53 fantastic entries at the Vampire Blog-A-Thon from yesterday, right? There's a handy round-up o' links at the Film Experience. My post is right here. Do it.

--- And finally, to end on the classiest note possible: Why am I so amused by Dame Judi Dench commenting on her run-in with Daniel Craig's ginormous cock? I mean, we've all seen that thing already (last link, obviously, NSFW).


1 comment:

DL said...

The mom in Choke would be such a great role. But...Susan Sarandon?? I had someone more like Kathleen Turner in mind when I read the book.