Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Good Omens For Terry Gilliam

Terry Gilliam is still being forced to grovel like a peasant-man to anyone who'll listen about how bad he wants to make a film of the fantastic Neil Gaiman-Terry Pratchett book Good Omens. From Cinematical:

"Here's my beef with Hollywood," he says. "Before The Brothers Grimm, we went out to Hollywood to get [Good Omens] made. We had raised $45 million from the rest of the world, and we needed $15 [million] out of Hollywood. I had two actors, Johnny Depp and Robin Williams. I couldn't get $15 million out of Hollywood with those two people. They said, 'Johnny, nah, he does those European art movies, Chocolat, The Man Who Cried, and Robin -- his career is finished.' And now there's Pirates of the Caribbean."...

"Terry Pratchett and I put our heads together," said [author Neil] Gaiman, "and thought; well, we really want Terry Gilliam to make it. We want this to be a Terry Gilliam film. We don't want this to be an anybody-else film. We've said no to lots of people who want to make it into a cool big commercial film. We like the idea of it being a Terry Gilliam film. So we put our heads together and we decided that it should cost him a groat. And I don't believe they've actually made groats, which is an old English coin worth about four pence since about the 1780s. Which means he is going to have to go to EBay."

I've posted on this before, and I, like Gilliam, will continue to bray to the heavens until someone listens: Make this happen, Hollywood! What is wrong with you people? You set aside millions of dollars for movies starring the Duff sisters! This man made Brazil! He made Time Bandits! Jesus!

This seriously is a book that screams out to be made into a movie, and in the right hands it could be totally awesome, and I think Gilliam has those right hands. Don't you know I always know what's best, people?

1 comment:

Reel Fanatic said...

Terry Gilliam is a mad genius, and like most geniuses, he is understood by criminally few people in Hollywood ... I cant wait to see Tideland, if I ever get the chance to before it hits DVD