Thursday, July 13, 2006

A Suri Thing

The whole "Why haven't we seen Suri Cruise yet?!?!?!?" outcry-thing strikes me as a real media-storm- in-a-Starbucks-cup (seriously, leave the weirdos alone, and at least let the baby teeth before harrassing it), but this bit that Defamer highlighted out of the new US Weekly is really hysterical:

"Of course, the more the family stays inside, the more Telluride talks. Recently, residents have started swapping Suri stories like sightings of Big Foot. "People heard that a hiker stumbled upon Katie breast-feeding," says a source. "But no one remembers the hiker's name." A waitress also swears to Us she saw the duo hiking with Suri: "She exists! I saw her thick black hair." And Josh Williams, a clerk at natural-goods store ReStore Our World claims he's seen her, telling Us, "Suri is funny-looking. Her fingers are small."

As opposed to the normal glut of giant-fingered babies roaming the countryside these days, of course.

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