Thursday, July 06, 2006

Faster Than A Speeding Turd

If my half-assed review of Superman Returns wasn't enough for you, I suggest you check out what my pal Sean has to say over yonder... he and I agree pretty much agree on everything, but he says it good-like.

I especially appreciated this:

"I mean, the effects were great and the visuals were lovely, but ultimately this movie could have been titled Superman Returns So He Can Lift a Bunch of Really Big Things Up and Put Them Someplace. Planes, cars, boats, islands--sheesh, enough already! Seriously, the climactic "fight" scene was against a land mass! There really wasn't any action to speak of, except that one ridiculous gatling-gun shootout on the rooftop that you never even saw get resolved, and of course Superman getting Rodney Kinged by a bunch of thugs with maybe one line of dialogue between them in the entire movie."


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