Thursday, June 22, 2006

To Be That Basketball, Divine


Jake's been working out again - look at those guns! Damn...

So I actually found myself feeling guilty last night, while looking at pics at JJ and IHJM of Jake being back here in NYC, that I'd dared to leave town for my vacation and therefore missed opportunities to stalk Mr. Gyllenhaal...

Did I say stalk? It's such a ugly word. Let's just say... haunt. Shadow. Ahem... meet! Yeah, I just wanna shake his penis hand. Take a pic... or two. We could even be wearing all of our clothes. If he insisted.

Good grief.

In Jake news, he's numero 12 on Film Experience's Countdown of Actors of the Aughts. Yes, I think we all know where he'd be (if not on top of me) on my list, but this is Nate's list and blah blah respect other people's opinion's blah. ;-)

Also, David Fincher's film Zodiac has been "pushed" to January... though "pushed" is an odd choice of word since the film hadn't had a release date set yet, it'd only been assumed for this Fall, but this is David Fincher we're talking about here, and he takes his damned time. So I ain't worried. Fincher's never made, at the very least, an uninteresting film, and most of them (Se7en, Fight Club) are amongst my faves. Oh, and Jake. Did I mention him?

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