Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What The Long Weekend Hath Wrought


X3 made $120 million. Robert Evans gives Brett Ratner a tub-o-whores to celebrate.

Baby Brangelina, a she named Shiloh, arrived. Robert Evans sends a tub-o-whores to Namibia; tub-o-whores returned to sender unopened.

Ben Affleck had a headache. Robert Evans unmoved.

Gay Rugby (NSFW). Gay Hoedown. Inevitably naked.

Ken Loach wins Palme d'Or at Cannes. Robert Evans asks his "people" if there's a tub-o-whores in the film, or if maybe one can be inserted in the cut he sees. Brett Ratner, Evans' "people", gets right on it.

(image from Gallery of the Absurd)

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