Monday, May 22, 2006

Tales Gone South ?


Eep! Word from Cannes on Donnie Darko director Richard Kelly's Southland Tales is decidedly not good.

From Cinematical:

"There's a lot going on in Southland Tales; the problem is that it all goes nowhere. The occasional joke is buried under lead-footed pseudo-scientific gobbledygook; the glimmerings of satire are lost in a dim fog of overacting, or outshined by bizarre, banal directorial flourishes and flawed acting choices."

From BBC News:

"His first film Donnie Darko was complex, but child's play in comparison with this convoluted, disjointed, postmodern noodle soup of a movie...

Characters jump in and out of focus with little sense of a structured plot or idea of what is happening in the great scheme of things.

It reminded me a little of the novels by Thomas Pynchon; surreal, mixing genres and styles, cut up and very "west coast USA"."

I mean, it's not like there's a chance in the world I won't be shelling out 10 bucks to see it. And those Cannes critics are notoriously mean-spirited. But it wouldn't really be surprising if Kelly stumbled from the mountains of expectations laid upon him, especially since he's only, ya know, made one (granted, one fantastic) film so far. Live and learn, pretty director man.

And maybe - just maybe - make Donnie Darko 2: Donnie's Naked Revenge your next priority?

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