Monday, April 10, 2006

Who's That Guy?


The only thing I accomplished this weekend, outside of sleeping and buying a pair of jeans, was watching Save The Green Planet!

The film itself was slightly insane, and horrifically violent. So, my cup o' tea, really. I didn't love it - even as it was leaping from one genre to another, going from black comedy to melodrama to snuff film in a single bound, it still seemed to telegraph its intentions beforehand and the big "reveal" at the end was obvious from the beginning. But it was fun.

Anyway, it was driving me insane, wondering who the lead actor was. Thank you, IMDb!

His name's Ha-kyun Shin, and he was the lead in Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance.

Y'all have seen Chan-wook Park's Vengeance trilogy, right? Starting with Sympathy, then Oldboy, then Lady Vengeance? Some of the most beautiful, disturbing films made this decade. Yes, you've got to have a strong stomach to make it through them. Deal.

Anyway, that's who he was. Ta-dah! Thus endeth today's lesson in pointless film-related-minutiae.

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