Sunday, February 12, 2006

Ol' Bastard Winter


Ol' Man Winter is raping us all!!! Bwah!!!

I'm at work. I staggered through about a foot of snow to get here. The meeting I'm here for has not been cancelled, so thankfully I didn't trudge here for nothing. And I get tomorrow off!

But for right now, I'm here. Out the windows is... nothing, just white. It really is intense. And has anyone ever seen it thunder and lightning in a snowstorm before? I don't remember ever having seen it before, but sure enough as I was walking zombie-like around my apartment this morning getting ready there were several flashes and the tell-tale crack of thunder outdoors. Weird.

I'm hoping the meeting will only be about an hour, hour and a half, and I can get out of here as soon as possible. Supposedly, the worst of the storm's supposed to be over by around 10am. But if I made it here at 7:30 when the storm was just... brutal... I can make it home again.

Unless, say, the weight of snow collapses the subway tunnels. Or something alternately horrific. Stay tuned!

Well, not really, I probably won't post again today. Stay toasty, bitches!

PS - Final Destination 3? Was AWESOME. See it yourselves if you're looking for something to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Christ, that pic is from Jack Frost, no? Hahaha...I love that movie. Oh, death by snowman rape...embrace me in your sweet, sweet arms. Heh.

- RD