Thursday, February 02, 2006

Another Day, Another Brokeback Post

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BBM was #2 again yesterday, closing in even more on the #1 film Martin Lawrence Steals You Sucker's Wallets.

It also passed Crash to become the highest grossing film of this year's Best Picture nominees.

Suck on that, Mickey Kaus, you fucktard.


Anonymous said...

Ugh. Crash was such a goddamned useless piece of shit. It was like watching a really meaningless, protracted, and self-righteous Robert Altman movie. And that's saying a lot. Although, watching a racist Sandra Bullock fall down a flight of stairs was definitely Oscar magic.

- RD

Jason Adams said...

The film had its few and far between moments, the best of which you name. I could watch Sandy's fall on a loop for a year straight and never tire.