Thursday, December 22, 2005


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Well, I got to work at a reasonable hour today. Only an hour late (though, and keep this on the DL, I did stop and have some breakfast on the way). Yahoo. I'm here. Now... can I go home already? Damn.

I was at the boyfriend's house in Long Island City last night, so I had to take a ferry across the East River, walk across town, and catch the PATH train (thank you, New Jersey Transit!) down to my work area. Took me about (minus breakfast break) an hour and a half. Not too bad, really. Nothing like the hell it takes to get to my place in Brooklyn, that's for sure. One more reason, I guess, that moving to the boyfriend's place in January will be a good thing.

As I type right now I'm on hold with my company's car service, hoping I can set up a car to take me home to Brooklyn tonight after work. The car service has been running hellishly late, so I hope I can get home and out of the office at a reasonable hour. I still have to pack for my flight upstate tomorrow! I can't believe it's already Xmas weekend... goddamn.

Supposedly the talks are going on between the MTA and the union right now, so people are saying there's a chance that today may be the end and the trains could be running again by tomorrow. For fuck's sake, YES, PLEASE.

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