Thursday, November 17, 2005

Humps, Indeed

I don't listen to the radio, my iPod is my radio and I find new music just through the magic of this internet thing. Also, the boyfriend catches a lot of MTV or VH1 at the gym and if he sees something particularily amusing he'll tell me about it, and last night he told me that the Black-Eyed Peas new song is called "My Humps" and it's all about Fergie talking about her "lady humps" and I almost crapped myself with laughter.

Seriously. WTF is wrong with Fergie? She is the most mannish-looking skank to come along in quite awhile to be branded as "hot" by anyone. She's just... effin' nasty.

But, even more incomprehensible is the fact that she has captured the man I think may just be, and we're talking looks alone here, the most beautiful male celebrity (notice how I avoid calling him an actor?) around, Josh Duhamel.

He is simply, in my humble opinion, completely perfect. Breath-taking. I would build a home on his taint, if he'd let me.

And... he dates this she-beast?

There is only one logical conclusion to make: Josh Duhamel is the stupidest person to have ever lived.

And I briefly tried to resist linking to a naked picture of Josh, but what-the-fuck-ever - it's the only thing he's any good for anyway.

(pics stolen from JJ)


matthew h said...

He is simply, in my humble opinion, completely perfect

He was on Martha the other day and is not, in fact, perfect: he has a pigeon toe walk. (And really stupid).

Jason Adams said...

Hey, I said "looks alone"! I won't care how he walks or talks when he's strapped down and gagged.