Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Terror Tooth

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So... I have never, not once, not ever in my entire life, been to the dentist. I know, leave the lecture outside please. Anyway, yesterday whilst eating my lunch I suddenly noticed... something was... off. As in, A PIECE OF MY TOOTH WAS GONE.

So I am completely freaked out right now. FREAKED THE FUCK OUT.

The boyfriend practically squealed with glee when I told him, as it means that now I have to make an appointment to go to the dentist, finally, after he's been nagging at me for years to do so.

Luckily, it doesn't hurt. And it's not noticeable from the front. It's towards the back, at the back of the tooth... and it's just... cracked? Or there's a hole. Or something. I don't know, it's my first tooth-related THING and I am having all sorts of Fruedian-castration anxiety freak-out mental problems because of it. I do not like this. I feel ill. I went home last night and fell asleep at 8pm because my freaking-out brain completely shut down. I am in a total state of panic. ARGH!

I asked around the office, and got the info for the dentist everyone else uses, but he doesn't have an available appointment until NEXT THURSDAY. I am going to lose my mind in that time. The boyfriend has a different dentist, but I don't know if my insurance is any good there or if I'll be able to get an appointment any sooner with him anyway. WHAT DO I DO???

Every other second, without even realizing it, my tongue travels back there, pushing in and around the shattered tooth, and I'm convinced that a little cartoon nerve ending is going to squiggle out and a shock of pain is going to immediately cripple me. I will fall down dead on the spot.

I am living in terror, people! The War on Terror has moved into my FRICKING MOUTH!!! Now who can say Bush is doing his job - if he can't keep the Terrorists out of my teeth, then how can any of us sleep at night ever again????

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