Thursday, October 27, 2005

In Other News...

Lots of random little bits of entertainment news catching my eye this morn.

* The film Hostel, by Eli Roth (Cabin Fever), has been on my must-see list for awhile, and I was pleased as punch (very red, very sticky punch) to read that the film's release date got moved up to December 21st. And now there's a trailer to see! I wish it were coming out now, there aren't any scary movies coming out for Halloween that I want to see this year. This one promises to deliver some Extreme-Asian-type gore.

* Darren Aronofsky, director of what I think is one of the scariest (and most powerful) films of the past decade, maybe longer, Requiem For A Dream, hasn't released anything since that film 5 years ago, which has been killing me. The Fountain, his next project, isn't coming out until sometime next year. But now comes word that he's going to be directing an episode of Lost! Too cool for words.

* Willow's going to be on Veronica Mars again! Yippee! Here's a link, but be careful because there are Lost spoilers on it too.

* Peter Jackson's King Kong is going to be a Kong-sized three hours long. Phew. I only hope that approximately 2 hours of that is Peter Jackson directing a gory dinosaur battle, because that's what's got me going. It's like... Peter Jackson doing Jurassic Park... unh... I just came, was it good for you?

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* Everybody seems to want to do the second X-Files movie. Yeah, I keep hearing that. And then... nothing. I wasn't a ginormous X-Files fan, I missed out on it at first and got into it some towards the end when it was supposedly only a shadow of it's former self, but I liked the first movie, and the episode "Home" is one of the most horrifying episodes of television ever produced. So I'm excited about the prospect of another movie, especially one that promises to be a stand-alone story, sans their overloaded mythology, because Chris Carter can really freak me the fuck out when he tries.

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