Thursday, October 13, 2005

Do A Little Dance

It's presumably too early to start celebrating on the implosion of the GOP and the Religious Reich going on these days, but man, what a couple weeks it's been! Really lifts the spirits, watching criminals like Delay and Rove and Frist finally be called on their b.s.

AMERICAblog is a must-read for updates on what's going on.

Admire the way CNN airs footage of a rehearsal of today's Q&A with soldiers and Dubya, where Dubya gets a chance to hear their questions first so he can figure out an answer (or, more likely, his writers can craft him an asnwer from his selected robot phrases, including such gems as "terror is bad" and "it's hard work"), which directly repudiates the White House's claims that it was a non-scripted event. Go CNN!

Stare in non-shock at Bush's approval ratings with blacks having fallen to TWO PERCENT.

Laugh and laugh at the subpoena of Delay's home phone records.

Watch with amazement at the complete fracturing of the GOP over Harriet Meirs, with Dick Cheney reportedly being at the front of opposition to her nomination.

And yawn at the long-foregone-concluded connection in timings between raisings of the terror-alerts and Bush political problems.

Oh, and the good news just keeps on rolling in. Within the next week or couple of weeks, I gather, we'll be seeing what happens with the Valerie Plame case, and if any of these small-dicked-scoundrels get indicted or not. To quote my Magic Eight ball, the forecast looks good! Unless Dubya decides to blow something up to distract us.

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