Monday, October 31, 2005

Death Will Finish Them

I loooove the Final Destination movies. I've given up considering them guilty pleasures - now I just flat out think they're great, fun, sick movies. The second one got a wee bit silly with the whole "birth a baby to save their lives" storyline, which luckily turned out to be a red herring anyway, but then the film allowed itself to close with a great sick joke so no love lost there.

The director and the writer of the first film, James Wong and Glen Morgan, have returned, which I find promising because, as much as I love the second film for being such a completely over-the-top gore-fest with ingenius set-ups and payoffs, like I say it did get a little silly in the story department, while the first one's logic held together better and you actually liked the characters in the first film. As opposed to their just being splattered canon fodder in the second. Plus, Wong and Morgan are the minds behind the X-Files episode "Home" I spoke of recently as being quite possibly the scariest episode of television ever.

So, no shock, I'm pumped (jazzed, you might even say) that the third film's coming out next year (February 10 - mark your calendar!). I've been waiting for images, a trailer, anything, and now there's a poster (above) and a trailer over at ComingSoon which does not disappoint. Looks like it's got all the classic elements - interchangeable teen actors, elaborate mayhem, promises of outrageous splatter goodness - that've made me such a fan.

And rollercoasters! How can you go wrong with rollercoasters?!?

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