Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Antici.......................... pation.

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I'm trying really hard to not get myself all worked up over the gleeful thoughts rattling around in my brain about the possibility of indcitments falling on Rove, Libby... oh, and good heavens CHENEY in the next 24-48 hours. It was the most Christmassy feeling when I woke up this morning, though, the high hopes and expectations of it all.

But then you think about all the other times you've thought that they can't squirm their way out this time, they've got to be called on what unethical criminals they all are, and nothing happens and you get jaded. A little broken on the inside.

So I am being cautious. But if word breaks today and it is what my gut tells me it should be then... well, I'll presumably end up doing a merry jig around my entire office. There might even be tears.

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