Re: "The Blame Game"
From John Stewart last night, "When people do not want to play the blame game... they are to blame."
Re: Those criticizing Bush are making this about politics and being partisan instead of trying to help
From Daily Kos today, "The administration said it was keeping us safe from terrorist attacks, or at least had a plan for responding to them; turns out, it can't even respond to disasters that have been broadly foreseen, and which come with days of prior warning. We need to find what's wrong, and fix it. Immediately. That's only a "partisan" issue if you truly care about your party more than your country."
"it can't even respond to disasters that have been broadly foreseen" - what about the LOCAL government and STATE government? It's their freakin state! Why didn't they rebuild the levees? Why didn't they evacuate their own citizens?
The federal government is NOT your or anyone else's rich uncle who's supposed to bail you out of every problem you have!
Read the law: it was, is, and will be the Louisiana state and New Orleans local government's responsibility to protect their own citizens, mainly by preventing such flooding, but certainly by using tax-payer paid-for school buses to evacuate those who couldn't get out themselves.
Why do you blame EVERYTHING wrong on the federal government? I'll bet my salary next month that if a person with last name Clinton were in office, you would be looking elsewhere to place blame for an disaster of nature.
Clinton would have handled it better!
End of..........
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