Monday, August 08, 2005

Smoke 'N Mirrors

I'm tremendously distracted today. Not by anything of note; I just can't seem to focus. My brain feels rattled. I think I slept funny, with funny dreams. Not ha-ha-funny, mind you, just... funny. Like Steve Buscemi is just funny-lookin'.

I really want to go see a movie after work but it isn't working out in my favor. None of the movies I want to see are presenting themselves to me easily. Two of them (The Chumscrubber and The Constant Gardener) haven't even come out yet, the selfish bastards. Junebug isn't playing until like 8:30, and I want to go directly to the movie following work so I'm not getting home at an unholy hour. And Broken Flowers... well, that's playing at a perfect time but the boyfriend will murder me if I go and see it without him. Especially after I already went and saw The Aristocrats this past weekend without him. Listen pal, it ain't my fault you're off working. I have to keep myself entertained!

Sunday I met up with my cousin who lives on Staten Island and went and watched her husband play baseball and then grilled some hamburgers at her house... it was a really nice way to spend the day. It's shameful that I haven't taken advantage of her having lived sooo close enough, we get along really well and I like her husband a lot and it's just nice to have some family close by. Her niece (my 2nd cousin?) is staying with her for a couple weeks, so I got to see her as well. She's growing up way too fast and it's creeping me out; I think she's maybe 9 or 10 now. Freaking me out. I'm old!

Speaking of old, today's the bf's official birthday. He's off in Chicago for work all week, so we had his party last week. I gave him a call this morning, he sounds miserable out there. It doesn't have anything to do with his birthday, that doesn't seem to be bothering him at all; it's just his job sounds hellish right now. How does one really succeed in making someone feel better about that sort of thing? I mean, I listen, I say I'm sorry... I just feel like I'm not ever helping at all.

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