Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Missing Tori

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I feel like such a cretin that I'm missing two Tori Amos concerts this week. Shame on me! What kind of a fan am I? I tried my darndest to get myself some tickets, but it just wasn't happening. There are too many glitter-spackled Tori-queens in the 212 area code, I guess.

She always gives an astonishing performance live. I've seen her maybe seven or eight times in the past, and to see her bang on that piano and straddle that bench is something... unique. I honestly haven't loved her past couple of albums as much as her first three (Boys For Pele is my favorite), but even with the songs I'm not totally in to she takes them on stage and turns them into wholly new and spectaular creations.

There's an interview with her over at the Village Voice, which is what got me thinking about her. The interview's kind of annoying; I think it's the interviewer's schtick to ask dumb questions, but Tori should've just taken off her stiletto and dug his beady eyes out.

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