Friday, August 12, 2005

James Dobson's Daddy Fetish

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Okay, I wrote a couple days ago about the unrivaled genius of "Doctor" James Dobson and his brilliant plan to thwart those nasty homo-tendencies in boys and girls and replace it with a good helping of self-loathing.

Now he says... I don't even know how to comment on this; it speaks for itself, really:

"Meanwhile, the boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger."

Is that how your "Daddy" does it, Jimmy boy?

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