Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Hugh Jackman Is So Gay

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You know, there have been rumors swirling around Hugh Jackman's sexuality for years. There were a bunch of blind items a couple years ago regarding his "relationship" with his "personal assistant" and how it may've entered "too personal" territory... and then there's his flame-tastic performance in The Boy From Oz, where he displayed his incredibly firm grasp on the art of the hip-swivel.

Now there's this story, which is THE GAYEST THING I'VE EVER READ.

Choice quote: "Remember "Dancing with the Stars"? Remember hunky Tom Williams? Well, Tom's now hosting 'The Mole' and it was overheard at the interstate launch party that he had/has a bit of an admirer - Hugh Jackman. Jackman got some tapes of 'Dancing with the Stars' and was pretty impressed with Williams' moves on the dance floor. I believe he has since given him a call - expressing a desire to work together."

Supposedly, Hugh wants this Tom chap for a juicy role in his upcoming Wolverine movie. Uh huh. Here's a pic of this Tom chap strutting his stuff.

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Uh huh...

Hey, I think they'll tango quite beautifully together, no complaints here. And yes, I know Jackman is "married"... ahem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This guy is totally hot, i really want to get in his pants. Also, who cares if Hugh is married or not. Look, at Brokeback mountain. Anyway that guy in the pic. is soooo cute and so hot.