Friday, August 19, 2005

Brokeback: The Heath Edition

Heath Ledger has never really done much for me. It's the "blonde" thing, I just ain't hot for many blondes. And he's got a wierd face, kinda Lance Armstrong-ish (not a compliment, looks-wise).

Anyhoo, he's off rambling in an interview at MSN about how brave he was to make out with Jake Gyllenhaal and how now he thinks he can do anything now because he made out with Jake Gyllenhaal... listen, Mr. So Straight We've All Gone Blind From The White Light Of Your Heterosexuality, making out with Jake Gyllenhaal? NOT SO FUCKING BAD. I think a lot of people would agree that Jake got the raw end (pun not completely intended... heh... Jake's raw end... heh) of the deal by having to mack on your strange elongated melon head.

I have hopes that Jake won't make any of these "I am such a brave person for playing a fag" interviews. He's already stated on the record that he's had sexual thoughts about men before, so I think we are safe there. Jake, don't let me down!

And I don't mean to heap too much vitriol Heath's way, he did take the role and he does express sincere openness to a gay love story being exactly the same as a straight love story... I am just becoming unwilling to say he was "brave" for doing so. You ain't rescuing children from a raging inferno there, Ledger. You're ACTING.

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