Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Bloated: Check, Irritable: Check

I still don't have anything to say, in case you were wondering.

I finally wrapped the boyfriend's other gift. I had to buy him something besides the theater tickets, because memories are a poor substitute for swag. I am fairly certain the boyfriend doesn't read this blog since he's never mentioned anything I've said here once, but I'll still refrain from sharing what it is I got him for now, just in case. I know I'd given him the link to here at some point, so who knows, we wouldn't want to ruin anything. Anyway, I always make my own wrapping paper for his presents, just by printing some random image off some random website. It's "a thing." I'm always trying to top the wrapping paper I've come up with before; I've done a Jocelyn Wildenstein collage and a collage of celebrity mugshots, for example. But I just don't have it in me today (as if you haven't noticed). So he's getting paper with a giant optical illusion elephant on it. What fun.

I also have learned how to tie a windsor knot today from this place. Yay.

Well, three dismal hours left until I can vacate these mind-numbing premises. Despite my mood I am really looking forward to the play tonight. Once the lights go down and I have something other than my bloated belly rubbing on uncomfortable trousers to focus on, I'm sure I'll be much more pleasant. Not that that offers you, dear reader, anything. But it's a beacon of hope for me. Plus, promises of my sometimes hero stump-necked and drunken Kathleen Turner! Yay!

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