Friday, August 26, 2005

Bardot Saves Puppies, Hates Fags

What a "complicated" woman Brigitte Bardot is! A few months ago I remember reading some crazy-woman racist and homophobic comments she made, so of course, the "I hate that bitch" flip was switched in my mind, even though, uh, Bardot's not really a figure worth expending any sort of effort towards since, what is she, 3000 years old now? And since her French titties were never for me, she pretty much summed up the definition of "Who the fuck cares?"

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But this story... well really, I'm just posting this because I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THEY USE LIVE KITTENS AND PUPPIES AS SHARK BAIT. I mean, it's horrifying... but it makes me laugh it's just sooo absurd. Leave it to the French. Sacrebleu! And of course Miss Bardot is on the case. She's probably telling them to stick the fags on hooks for sharks instead.

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