Monday, July 25, 2005

The Whos Down In Whoville

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My apologies for my semi-absence as of late. I honestly haven't had a whole lot to say. Sometimes I go through these patches of lackluster brain activity. I blame the drugs I did in college. They're as good a culprit as any!

So... I'm basically holding a gun to my head right now to make this post. I don't know what I could share. I am not feeling really very witty or insightful. Because I know you come here for endless wit and deepest insight. It has nothing to do with crushing boredom.

I had a dream last night that one of my closest friends was being horribly mean to me. Isn't it weird that you wake up from a dream like that and immediately want to call that person and bitch them out? What, you don't think that way? You are able to distinguish the line between dream and reality? La-di-fucking-da. Anyway, smartly, I refrained from calling her up this morning. But, while taking a shower, I had an entire imaginary argument with her about why she was being so rude. And now, I'm sure, I'll just hold her within-my-dream-bitchiness against her silently for years, until it dissolves the very core of our friendship and we never speak again. Yay me!

Bah. My weekend was uneventful. I did watch a couple movies, I'm going to click my glock and force myself a review or two. There was a lovely sound to that sentence. Anyway.

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